We’re Coming After You!

Bureaucrats are easy to knock off. They never imagine it will happen to them. They just think they can snivel down their sociopathic noses at the rest of us because that is the only way they can get off.


To see them shake and hear their voices quiver as they are pummeled on the witness stand is our reward! We always had the power; but they kept that secret from us. Their magic has worn off. It’s our turn! And payback is a bitch!


We just know there are enough guys out there who will suit up, once they know there is a freedom army they can join. The power of a global angry mob! This is the revolution we were talking about in the 60s.


Beleaguered chiropractors from around the world announce the formation of THE GLOBAL CHIROPRACTIC ALLIANCE, a new way of doing business. “You’re going to pay for your crimes against chiropractic.”


We’re going to teach these cocksuckers how the game is played….with their money! We’ll use lawyers and investigators! ‘Here kitty, kitty.’


How long did you think you’d get away with it, GCC? Yes, you hanging from the cusp of madness. We’ll take your houses, your bank accounts and all your worldly possessions and then we’ll……your wives!

Emboldened by our success, we want to get more of them! We know how to bring them down! Spread the word!


Yesterday we sent a letter to the GCC which ended with the words:

“We’re coming after you!”

Dr. V

Wanted, GCC, for crimes against chiropractic.
