Tetrahedral Structure of Organization

You recruit three people you can trust. They don’t even have to know each other.

They each recruit three and so on.

Each cell therefore, consists of three people and one recruiter.

Make sure each gets The Vendetta Package.

Communications go back and forth between cell members who don’t even know each other. Communication is very important; it is the central nervous system of our counter-insurgency.

We do this in every country currently abusing regulation, which is all of them. Key players will arise in each jurisdiction.

Most participants will logically have been victims of regulatory schemes or doctors who don’t want it to happen to them. Be a cell of one; never let them know it’s you!

At the right time, the bombardment of the regulators begins! We’ll launch a coordinated world-wide attack. We’ll hit them from every direction. They’ll run! The power of a global angry mob!

Your Vendetta Package has all the vindictive details. Payback’s a bitch!


Dr. V

